My first name is actually Mohammed but I go by Moe, Mauris, and in video games I'm known as El3ctr0n. I create stuff for the web including websites, web applications, and contribute to open source as much as I can.
My Go to StackMy road to web development is not that common. I got my Masters from University of Windsor as an Electrical Computer Engineer with focus on Cyber Security and Wireless Communication. I've then landed a job as a web developer. There, laravel was my door to web development. You can read more about my road to web development here. When it comes to web development, my go to stack is: VS Code as an IDEBackend written with the beatiful LaravelWhat's better than VueJS when it comes to frontend TailwindCSS, the CSS framework that I recommendFor databases, I use relational databases including SqlSrv, mySQL, and SqlLite Technology I'm learning now include TypeScript, Javascript's kid with types. Docker for better deployment experience. Cypress for right development experience.More details about packaes, technologies, and ideas I use are available in Moe Useful Things.