Understanding Laravel’s observe Method in Models

Moe Dayraki
2 min readSep 18, 2023


In Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, the observe method allows you to register observers with your models. Observers are classes that listen for specific events triggered by the model, such as creating, updating, or deleting records. This article will explore the observe method and its usage in Laravel's Eloquent models.

What is the observe method?

The observe method is a static method defined in the Illuminate/Eloquent/Model class. It provides a convenient way to register observers for your models. By registering observers, you can perform additional actions or logic in response to specific events triggered by the model. Syntax: The syntax for the observe method is as follows:


The $classes parameter can accept an object, an array of objects, or a string representing the observer class or classes.

Single Observer

To register a single observer class with a model, you can pass the observer class name as a string to the observe method. For example:


namespace App\Observers;

use App\Models\User;

class UserObserver { // Observer methods for User model events }


In the above example, the UserObserver class is registered as an observer for the User model.

Multiple Observers

You can also register multiple observer classes by passing an array of observer class names to the observe method.


namespace App\Observers;

use App\Models\User; use App\Observers\SomeOtherObserver;

class UserObserver { // Observer methods for User model events }

User::observe([UserObserver::class, SomeOtherObserver::class]);

In this example, both UserObserver and SomeOtherObserver classes are registered as observers for the User model.

Let’s Remember

The observe method in Laravel’s Eloquent models provides a flexible way to register observers and perform additional logic in response to model events. By leveraging observers, you can easily separate concerns and keep your codebase organized. Whether it’s auditing changes, sending notifications, or performing other actions, the observe method empowers you to enhance the behavior of your Laravel models.

and voila! Happy coding!

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Originally published at https://moedayraki.github.io on September 18, 2023.



Moe Dayraki
Moe Dayraki

Written by Moe Dayraki

🙋‍♂️Do stuff on the web for the web! Currently working with #Laravel #Vuejs

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